Workers’ compensation in Wisconsin compensates employees for injuries and occupational diseases that result from work activities. If a work injury results in permanent damage, as assessed by the injured workers doctor, they are entitled to a permanent partial disability payment (PPD). Permanent partial disability benefits are paid to people who are not totally disabled but who have some type of lasting impairment. A final determination of PPD is not usually made until a person has reached their “maximum medical improvement” or MMI as determined by their doctor. Scheduled injuries are injuries specifically listed in Wis. Stat. § 102.52, consisting primarily of injuries/disabilities to the extremities.
- To calculate the potential value of your claim you take the number of weeks associated with the specific injury (chart below) multiplied by the percentage of disability assessed by your treating physician. You then multiply this number by the appropriate PPD compensation rate for the year the injury occurred in. (outlined below) This will provide you the maximum value of the permanent partial disability portion of your workers compensation claim.
- Ex: 5% PPD on left knee. Date of injury: January 1, 2014. 425 weeks for injury to knee multiplied by 5% = 21.25 weeks, payable at the maximum PPD rate of $322.00 = $6842.50.
Weeks of Permanent Partial Disability Payable
- Unscheduled injuries (torso, head, and mental) 1000 Weeks
- Loss of arm at shoulder 500 weeks
- Loss of arm at elbow 450 weeks
- Loss of hand 400 weeks
- Loss of palm, thumb remains 325 weeks
- Loss of thumb at proximal joint 120 weeks
- Loss of thumb/metacarpal bone 160 weeks
- Loss of thumb at distal joint 50 weeks
- Loss of all fingers (one hand) 225 weeks
- Loss of fingers (each) 6-60 weeks
- Loss of leg at hip 500 weeks
- Loss of leg at knee 425 weeks
- Loss of foot at ankle 250 weeks
- Loss of great toe and metatarsal 83.5 weeks
- Loss of toes 4-25 weeks
- Loss of an eye 275 weeks
- Total impairment of one eye 250 weeks
- Total deafness 330 weeks
- Total deafness in one ear 55 weeks
Maximum Weekly Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) Benefit
- 01/01/2023 $430.00
- 04/10/2022 $415.00
- 02/01/2020 $362.00
- 01/01/17 $362.00
- 03/02/16 $342.00
- 01/01/15 $322.00
- 01/01/14 $322.00
- 01/01/13 $322.00
- 04/17/12 $312.00
- 01/01/12 $302.00
- 11/01/11 $302.00
- 05/01/10 $292.00
- 01/01/10 $282.00
- 01/01/09 $282.00
- 04/01/08 $272.00
- 01/01/08 $262.00
- 01/01/07 $262.00
- 01/01/06 $252.00
- 01/01/05 $242.00
Contact a Wisconsin Workers’ Compensation Attorney Today!
If you have been injured at work you need the legal representation that the experienced and skilled worker’s compensation attorneys at Tabak Law, LLC will provide. Your employer and their insurance company have their best interest in mind and will do their best to settle your claim for as little as possible; DO NOT allow this to happen, speak with one of our experienced attorneys today!
For a free workers compensation consultation contact a lawyer at Tabak Law, LLC by calling (414) 351-4400. We know that it’s not always easy to get to an attorney, so we offer home and hospital visits for your convenience