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After several years of social security disability benefit amounts remaining relatively stagnant, 2018 saw a decent increase of 2% as the rates raised appropriately with inflation. Now, rates will be raising again in 2019 – with the biggest increase amount since 2012. This means that those receiving 2019 social security disability benefits will get more than they did last year – and those applying for the first time or appealing a denial could be the recipients of a more effective payout plan.
2019 ssd benefits increase

2019 Social Security Disability Benefits Amounts

In 2018, the maximum benefit for social security disability was $2,788 per month, with the average ending up at approximately $1,197. But the social security disability benefits amounts for 2019 will be even greater, topping out at $2,861, with the approximate average coinciding at $1,234. Of course, these benefits are based on lifetime earnings, and not on the current household income or severity of the disability that is causing the filing.

SSD Qualifications

To qualify for the new 2019 social security disability benefits amounts, an individual must have worked a required length of time in jobs that are covered by social security. As a general guide, you need 40 credits, 20 of which were earned in the last 10 years, ending with the year you suffered the disability. It is possible for younger workers to qualify with fewer credits than this listed minimum.

As an example of credits, in 2018, you earned one credit for each $1,320 in wages or self-employment income. When that earning amount hit $5,280, the four credits have been earned for that year.

To actually be considered for social security disability, you need to hit certain qualifications. The basic guidelines are as follows:

  • You can no longer do the work that you did before
  • The Social Security Administration decides that you cannot perform other work because of your medical condition; and
  • Your disability has or is expected to last for at least one year or to result in death.

SSD Evaluation Process

For most looking for 2019 SSD benefits, there will be an evaluation process. There are outliers where the condition is considered severe to the point of automatic qualification. But for all others, it comes down to several factors. They include:

  • Are you currently working? If this is a yes, and your earnings are over $1,180 for 2018 standards, you can not be considered disabled.
  • Is your condition considered severe? This applies if your condition will interfere with basic work-related activities.
  • Is your condition found in the list of disabling conditions? This list is fairly long, and can include physical and cognitive disabilities. If the condition does not fall on the list, there will be an evaluation to determine if it is severe enough.
  • Can you do work you did previously? If the condition interferes with the ability to do the work that you previously did, you will move on in the process.
  • Can you do any other type of work? The Social Security Administration will work to determine if any kind of work is able to be done. If an adjustment is not possible, the claim may be approved.

Difference Between SSD and SSI

When considering the amount of benefits that you may be eligible for, it’s important to note the difference between SSD and SSI. The difference greatly affects amount eligible, and many other factors.

Get Help Today

If you are looking for 2019 social security disability benefits and have been denied, you may be eligible for as much as $2,861 depending on your situation. The professionals at Tabak Law have a long list of individuals that were previously denied and are now receiving the benefits they deserve. The consultation is free and there are no fees unless you win. If you are interested, call 844-432-0114 today or fill out the form below.