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Fill out the below form to get the application or appeals process started with local Texas representation. This help applies to SSDI or SSI benefits and appeals assistance. Get Help With Your Claim Today [gravityform id=”2″] If you have been denied social security disability benefits, it is not the end of the road for your… Read more

Social Security Disability

How Do You Qualify for Disability in Milwaukee, Wisconsin?

A lot of people think that disability is only for people who were born with a serious handicap. This isn’t the case. Disability was designed to help people who get hurt and can’t work. Most people only receive short-term disability. However, there are others whose injuries are so severe that they’re never able to work again. It’s… Read more

Social Security Disability

Are Disability Benefits Considered Income by the IRS?

If you are receiving social security disability benefits, you may be wondering if they are considered income. This can be especially important to know around tax time, as misreporting or not reporting income can obviously be an issue. Are Disability Benefits Considered Income by the IRS? Before answering the question of whether disability benefits are… Read more

Social Security Disability

What is the Difference Between SSI and SSDI?

People get hurt every day. You could break your ankle playing basketball. Or, you may get into a bad car accident and become permanently disabled. If this happens, you may need to collect disability. When people hear the word disability, they don’t realize that there are two (2) types. The type of disability you will receive… Read more

Social Security Disability

How Many Hours Can I Work and Still Receive SSD?

You are receiving social security disability. But you feel that you can still perform some form of work. How many hours are you able to work and still receive your social security disability (SSD)? While this is a fair question, as no one wants to lose benefits that they may need, the answer doesn’t really… Read more

Social Security Disability

Do I Have Too Many Assets to Qualify for Social Security Disability?

Given the different amounts of money that each individual is potentially eligible for with social security disability, it’s easy to become confused on the process. While it is true that your history will factor into what you may ultimately be paid if you are approved, there are only certain factors that play in. Do I… Read more

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