Veteran’s Disability
What is TDIU for Veterans?
For veterans with service-connected disabilities, receiving proper compensation is essential, especially if their disability keeps them from maintaining substantially gainful employment. The VA has a specific benefit for veterans who have this issue called Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU), which grants 100% disability compensation to eligible veterans. This is an important benefit for… Read more
What Are the Three Types of VA Appeals?
The Department of Veterans Affairs offers benefits to veterans who have a disability that resulted from their time in the military. Veterans’ benefits were originally established to honor those who served heroically in the military, however, the VA does not always treat veterans as the heroes they are. Too often, the VA wrongfully denies claims… Read more
How to Prove a Service Connection for Migraines in a VA Disability Claim
In order to have a successful VA disability claim, a service connection must be established, service connection proves that your condition was caused or worsened by your time in the military. This is essential to prove because the VA only gives compensation to veterans who have a condition related to their military time. A common… Read more
Filing a Fully Developed Claim (FDC) for VA Disability: Is It Worth It?
The VA disability claims process can be overwhelming and hard to know where to even start. With all the different forms and requirements, things can get complicated very quickly. The traditional process for applying for VA disability benefits involves the VA assisting with gathering documentation, which can take a long time. However, there is another… Read more
Can You Get VA Disability Benefits for Sleep Apnea Without a CPAP Machine?
A common condition among veterans is sleep apnea. Sleep apnea causes interrupted breathing during sleep, which can lead to fatigue and other serious health issues. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers VA disability benefits for veterans who have sleep apnea and can show that it was caused by their time in the military. Often… Read more
Secondary Conditions That Can Increase Your VA Disability Rating
While it is common, many veterans suffer from secondary conditions that they are unaware are linked to a primary condition. After filing a VA claim for a primary condition, veterans commonly think that’s the last time they can do so, but it doesn’t have to be. If a veteran believes they developed a new condition… Read more
How SSDI Benefits Are Affected by Receiving VA Disability Compensation
While Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and VA disability compensation are different, they both aim to serve the same purpose, provide financial assistance to those with disabilities. SSDI is a federal benefit that is based on work history and is for individuals who cannot work due to a disability. VA disability compensation is a tax-free… Read more
VA Disability and Presumptive Conditions for Gulf War Veterans
The Gulf War had many U.S. military individuals deployed to the Middle East during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. From these Operations, many veterans ended up having to face unique health issues due to the exposure to the environmental hazards in these environments. These conditions include burning oil wells, pesticides, and chemical agents, which… Read more
The Impact of Divorce on VA Disability Benefits
VA benefits can be an essential part of a veteran’s life. They can help provide financial support, healthcare, and many other resources that can help them and their families live a more fulfilling life, despite their disability. If veterans ever find themselves in the situation of divorce, they should be aware of how their disability… Read more
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