How long does it take to get approved for social security disability if you’ve been denied already?

Seventy percent of social security disability applicants are denied on their initial application. But, that’s far from the end of the story, as nearly 50 percent of all applicants ultimately receive benefits. Appealing a denial with an experienced lawyer involved is a successful route for many individuals.

But while you can remain confident that your initial claim isn’t the final answer, waiting for that next answer can be difficult. How long does it take to get approved for social security disability if you’ve been denied already? There is no exact timetable to consult, but rather some estimates based on the experience of many individuals.

Social Security Disability Initial Claim Decision Waiting Time

Initial claims usually take an average of 120 days for a decision. But, there are always caveats, as some individuals have been approved in under 30 days if the conditions allow. Having quick access to medical records and other materials can expedite the process.

Social Security Disability Appeal Decision Waiting Time

Anyone that has been denied and is filing an appeal can actually expect a decision to come even quicker – often around 60 days. Again, there are many factors that could play into this being an quicker or longer process. But often, given that the medical evidence and most documentation is already in place in an appeal situation, the process can happen must quicker. The only difference is any additional evidence or findings that are presented to assist the appeal.

Social Security Disability Payment Waiting Time

As for actual payment of an approved claim, one can typically expect to wait one to two months until they receive the first check in the mail. If it has been over 90 days, it is a good idea to contact the Social Security Administration to check on the payment.

As with any social security disability appeal, it is a good idea to get a lawyer involved in the process to help bolster the chances of an approval. Tabak Law, a social security disability specialty lawyer based in Milwaukee, has a plethora of experience and an excellent track record in the space. For a free consultation, call 844-432-0114.

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