Man with a hand on a casket

People who qualify for SSDI are often not in the best financial circumstances. On top of that, you have mounting medical bills to contend with, transportation expenses, and growing prescription costs. When someone on SSDI dies, many of those expenses, especially the debts, do not just go away. If someone dies, does a spouse get their SSDI benefits? Tabak can provide you with answers.

How Do Survivor’s Benefits Work For SSDI?

You don’t have to be a spouse to be considered a survivor and receive benefits. You can also be a dependent child under the age of 18 or a dependent parent. The benefit amount is based on a percentage that’s dependent on circumstance and age. If multiple people in the household receive survivor’s benefits, then you may be subject to maximum family amount limits which range depending on your situation between 150% and 180% of the basic benefit rate.

Survivor’s Benefits for Surviving Spouse

Surviving spouses that are full retirement age or older will get 100% of the benefits. Between the age of 60 and full retirement age, that amount is variable between 71.5% and 99%. Ages 50 through 59 receive 71.5% of the benefit. A surviving spouse of any age who is caring for a child under the age of 16 will receive 75% of the benefit unless overridden by a higher percentage.

Survivor’s Benefits for Dependant Children

friends consoling someone after a loss

Children must be under the age of 18 or under the age of 19 but still be in elementary or secondary school. Either way, the benefit they will receive is 75%.

Survivor’s Benefits for Dependant Parents

Dependent parents must be age 62 or higher to receive survivor benefits. One surviving parent will get 82.5% of the benefit, but if there are two surviving parents, then they will each receive 75% of the benefit.

Read More: Will Social Security and SSDI Ever Run Out?

Is There a Limit to How Much Survivors Can Earn While Receiving Benefits?

The income limit amounts for survivors are the same as those receiving regular social security benefits. These amounts change almost every year with the COLA increases. For those under full retirement age, your annual income limit is $21,240 for 2023. If you earn income above that limit, then they deduct $1 for every $2 earned above that limit. If it is possible to push your retirement benefit higher than your survivor’s benefit, working even beyond this limit will help ease your retirement with an increased benefit.

In the year you reach retirement age, the income limit is increased to $56,560 for 2023. The reduction also works differently as the SSA deducts $1 for every $3 that you earn above the limit. After you reach retirement age your earnings will no longer reduce your benefits.

Top 5 Reasons for Denied SSDI Claims

Can You Remarry While Receiving Survivors Benefits?

Interestingly, this depends on the age at which you remarry. If you remarry before age 60 you will stop receiving survivor’s benefits while you are married. If you have a disability this age limit is reduced to 50. If you remarry after 60 (or 50 if you are disabled) then you will continue to qualify for survivor’s benefits.

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