In a perfect world, individuals who are disabled would find quick access to disability benefits and medical care. Unfortunately, the disability benefit system currently does not always work this way. Most Social Security disability and SSI disability claims are denied at the initial claim level. To win their claims, most SSD and SSI claimants will need to appeal their claim several times. Nevertheless, you can increase the chances of winning an SSDI or SSI benefit claim by doing the following:

• Communicate with Your Doctors

o Find out if your personal physician will support your disability case. If so, have your doctor complete a detailed statement as to why you are disabled and unable to work. Your chances of disability approval may also be improved if your doctors understand what Social Security expects of them. Your claims examiner will ask your treating physicians to give Social Security a report about your diagnosis, your limitations, and your capabilities. It is important that your doctor complete the report, not just with accurate information, but also in the manner requested. Some claims are denied because the treating physician doesn’t respond or doesn’t provide an adequate report. To avoid a delay caused by the need for a consultative examination, be sure that you give Social Security all the information you have about your medical conditions, and that they receive all the medical records and reports that they request from your physicians.

• Update your Attorney

o Keep your attorney updated on your medical records (including the most recent updates) when you apply, and each time you appeal.

• Be Responsive to the Social Security Disability Application Process

o Another way to help your claim is to answer questions as directly and clearly as possible and to promptly respond to any written or telephone requests for additional information. If there is an unavoidable delay, let the claims examiner know that you are working on it. When answering questions, limit your answer to the specific question that was asked. If asked to go to a consultative examination with a doctor whom Social Security selects, be sure to attend and participate cooperatively.

• Maintain a good relationship with the people working on your case.

This includes the claims rep at your local Social Security office, the disability claims examiner at DDS, and your attorney or representative if you’ve hired one to help you. It is simply a fact: people will do more to help you when you have established a friendly, courteous relationship with them.

For a risk free consultation, contact a lawyer at Tabak Law simply by calling 414-351-4400 or by contacting us online. We know that it’s not always easy to get to an attorney, so we offer home and hospital visits for your convenience. Our attorneys visit with people throughout the Greater Milwaukee area to answer questions about Social Security Disability, Personal Injury, and Worker’s Compensation.

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