Tabak Law is hitting the radio again with some great information for Milwaukee-area residents on SSDI. This interview comes ahead of the upcoming 88th anniversary of the signing of the Social Security Act. Keep reading to learn what the interview talks about and where you can listen in.
Tabak Featured on 101.7 The Truth
You can listen to the interview hosted by Kyle Wallace on 101.7 The Truth during the business spotlight segment. This brief interview will run on August 10th, and for those looking for SSDI legal help, it will definitely be worth a listen. You can also check out the website for 101.7 The Truth for more details.
101.7 The Truth Interview Highlights

In the Interview, Tabak Law attorney and partner Lauren Zwirlein talks with Kyle Wallace about getting the Social Security disability benefits that are owed to you along with some history and background on the agency and how disability benefits like SSI and SSDI work.
These benefits can often be very difficult to receive with the burden of proof being placed on the recipient. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to get the right answers from the Social Security Administration, but Tabak Law has been handling claims for almost 20 years, and our firm has been helping people for decades. With Tabak law, there is no upfront cost. We only get paid if you win.
Will Social Security and SSDI Ever Run Out?
Upcoming Sunday Sip Tabak Interview
In addition to The Truth interview, Tabak will also be participating in an interview on the Sunday Sip with John Mercure. This more extensive interview will air on August 13th. You can check it out online at the WTMJ website to get more details and find out how to listen in.
5 SSDI Facts That You Need to Know
Need Legal Help With Your SSDI Benefits?
Do you need legal help getting the SSDI benefits that you deserve? Then you should reach out to Tabak Law. We have experienced attorneys and partners like Lauren that are ready to fight for you. We only get paid if you get benefits. Reach out to us today for a free case review.
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