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There are times when an individual may not be able to maintain full-time employment due to a mental or physical condition. When this happens, you may be eligible to collect social security disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA). If you live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and believe you have a condition that prevents you from working a full-time job, you need to understand the requirements for eligibility, how to apply for benefits, and how the appeal process works. This information will be critical to anyone that is unable to work or maintain steady employment due to a disability.

If you or someone you love cannot work because of a mental or physical disability, you should consult with an experienced disability attorney to determine if you are eligible to receive Social Security benefits. The process of filing for benefits can be extremely confusing, and you will need an experienced SSDI lawyer familiar with the rules and regulations for Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to make sure you meet all eligibility requirements before applying for benefits. An experienced disability attorney can answer all questions you may have about the process including how long it will take, if you qualify, and possibly give you an estimate of monthly benefit amounts for someone in with your condition.

Social Security Disability Lawyer Milwaukee Wisconsin

Not sure if you qualify for social security benefits? Contact Tabak Law, LLC today!

What Are the Milwaukee, Wisconsin Social Security Disability Facts?

When it comes to benefits available for workers unable to work due to disabilities, the Social Security Administration provides two different types of benefits. The SSA provides the following:

  1. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) – insurance funding from Social Security deductions taken from the paychecks of individuals that work and pay into the system.
  2. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) – insurance funding for children, the blind and low-income individuals.

Each program assists individuals unable to work due to physical or mental disabilities; they serve different groups of individuals. To receive SSDI, an individual has to work and pay into the system through taxable income in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. SSI is for individuals that have limited income and do not qualify for SSDI, so it is basically a safety net for low-income individuals. So, in other words, SSDI is for working individuals that can no longer work due to mental or physical issues, and SSI assists low-income individuals that have not earned enough credits by working to be eligible for SSDI.

SSI and SSDI in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Since SSDI is insurance paid through the revenue from deductions taken from an individual’s paycheck, to receive benefits, an individual must:

  • Earn 20 or more quarters of coverage (amount of earnings per quarter) in the last ten years for full coverage. An example of this is in 2017; an individual must earn at least $1,300 per quarter
  • Your mental or physical illness has to last for at least 12 months or until you die

Once you collect social security disability benefits (SSDI) for two years, a disabled individual is eligible for Medicare automatically. You also need to know that SSDI benefits are available to blind and disabled workers as well as the worker’s children and surviving spouses. Adults with disabilities from birth are also eligible. Your monthly benefit payment is subject to the amount of your Social Security income earnings data. So, in other words, the more money you make, the greater your monthly benefit.

An experienced disability claim attorney will be able to explain all the specifics of qualifying for SSDI during a consultation. An experienced disability lawyer can also explain the five-month waiting period of SSDI which gives the Social Security Administration the opportunity to research if your disability will be long-term. You will not be able to collect benefits during your five-month period of validation. However, if your specific condition is on the SSA Compassionate Allowance list, your claim may receive an earlier review and processing. Your attorney can also notify you of the appeals process in the event your request for benefits receives a denial.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are benefits paid from general taxes and are not contingent on an individual’s work record. Any individual that does not earn enough taxable income to qualify for SSDI can apply for SSI. Benefits for SSI are available to individuals 65 and older, disabled adults, and blind or disabled children. The monthly payment amount will be contingent on the individual’s monthly income and resources and is subject to a maximum federal benefit rate. Many states automatically make individuals that receive SSI eligible to receive Medicaid benefits.

What Are the Supplemental Security Income Eligibility Requirements?

SSI is a program based on financial need and is not contingent or based on the work record of an individual. In order to qualify for SSI you will need to meet the following requirements:

  • You have an income of $2,000 or less in cash or bank accounts (the limit is $3,000 for a couple)
  • Your home is a separate entity and cannot disqualify you from receiving SSI benefits
  • Your car will not count toward your resources if it is worth $4,500 or less

How Can an Attorney Help with My Social Security Disability in Milwaukee, Wisconsin?

If you are unable to work due to a mental or physical illness, you should schedule a consultation with an attorney to see if you are eligible to receive SSDI or SSI. You can discuss the specifics of your illness and ask any questions you may have about your qualifications. A lawyer will be familiar with the policies and procedures relating to SSDI and SSI and give you all the information you need to help you decide whether or not to apply. An experienced disability claim attorney will also be able to help you file an appeal if your request receives a denial.

Call Tabak Law for Help with Your Social Security Disability Claim

If you or someone you love is considering filing for social security disability benefits in Wisconsin, contact Tabak Law to schedule a consultation. We care about your well-being and are here to help you make sense of the confusing eligibility requirements to file for benefits. Call us today for a no-obligation consultation to discuss your case.