Social Security and SSDI are often lumped together, and while usually, they’re really different, application timing is a huge deal. It doesn’t really matter if you’re applying for SSI or SSDI, you need to time your application right. If you don’t, you’ll end up in that near 75% denial rate that Wisconsin has for applicants.

Timing your application is a little strange because you do want to get this in as early as possible. However, you need to make sure that it’s clear on your application that you meet all the requirements for benefits. It’s a tightrope situation, but you can manage it with minimal frustration! Contact our Milwaukee SSDI lawyers today.

When Should You Start Your Application?

Okay, filing too early will only lead to a denial. But filing too late can make you miss out on benefits and nearly impossible to recover from the financial strain of going without an income for so long. Start your application at the key point where you know you qualify, but still have a long stretch of not working ahead of you.

Qualifying for disability benefits in Wisconsin starts with knowing that you won’t be able to work for at least the next 12 months. It is possible to retrograde that by a few months, but you can’t file a claim for 12 months when you’re already six months into your time off work. Additionally, you may have a condition that is unclear about the recovery time.

For example, if you sustained a brain injury in a car accident and then had to take time off work to recover, the doctor may not have a time frame for you. Recovering from a brain injury could take weeks, months, or years. So you’ll have to work closely with your doctor to set a realistic time frame on expected recovery times. Then take that information into an SSDI attorney to ensure that you present the facts of the disability as plainly as possible.

Updating Medical Information and Notifying SSDI of Changes

Medical information can change from week to week. You may have gone through a treatment that clearly didn’t work, or even set you back. To manage this, you’ll need to closely navigate the SSI and SSDI system, which is extremely difficult because it’s online but still archaic.

The system of updating medical information for social security or disability insurance is nearly impossible to do alone. However, with legal help, you can access the right people to add updates and new attachments to your application. Doing this can help avoid a denial that stems from inconsistent information.

One of the most common reasons for a denial is that your application information and your medical records reflect different information. However, when you can’t update your application, the two documents having differing information is inevitable.

What Happens When You File Too Early?

If you file too early, you’ll inevitably receive a denial. It may be that your medical team isn’t prepared to set a clear date on recovery. Or, they may not fully understand your condition or need for ongoing treatment. Additionally, you may file for a disease or condition that doesn’t meet disability requirements.

One common example is cancer. Very few forms of cancer qualify for SSDI or SSI. The issue is that the treatment and condition won’t keep you away from work consistently for a year. The same goes for MS and various other chronic conditions. Even chronic pain syndrome, which can be debilitating, doesn’t usually qualify people for SSDI. But, people jump the gun and apply anyway, contributing to a very high denial rate in Wisconsin.

What Should a Social Security Disability Attorney Do For You?

In Wisconsin, the SSDI network and application system is intensely difficult. Then when most offices are only open via appointment or closed entirely, it’s even more frustrating than usual. Don’t worry because you’re not the only one worried about their application. Many people don’t think they can apply for SSDI right away. Some even report that their doctor told them that they needed to wait!

What you need in this case is legal advice. Not every injury calls for an immediate application for disability insurance through SSDI. In fact, the high denial rate comes in because people often don’t read the requirements to qualify for SSDI. But, if you know that your injury will keep you out of work for 12 months, then don’t put off your application. Schedule a call or visit into Tabak Law offices in Milwaukee for more information and support.

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