When people think of social security disability insurance, they typically associate these benefits with physical limitations. But, the Social Security Administration actually recognizes a wide range of mental disorders too. The review process for mental disabilities is very similar to physical disabilities, in that your condition must be diagnosed by a medical professional and it must prohibit you from working on a consistent basis. At Tabak Law, we review hundreds of social security disability claims related to mental disability per year, and we can help you sort through the legal processes in order to get your claim approved.

It’s important to remember that the requirements for SSD and SSDI disability are actually the same for both physical and mental disabilities:

  • Your mental disorder must prohibit you from doing work
  • Your mental disorder must prohibit you from being trained to do work in the future
  • Your mental disorder must be diagnosed as being long-term; at least one year

The Social Security Administration recognizes several mental disorders to qualify for benefits. The most prevalent disorders include:

  • Organic: including mental disorders that are not a result of brain trauma, like Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Psychotic: including disorders like Schizophrenia and paranoia.
  • Affective: including mood disorders, like bi-polar and and depression
  • Mental: including learning disorders
  • Anxiety: this includes both episodic and recurring disorders, like panic attacks and phobias
  • Personality: The majority of mental illnesses fall under this category. Common disorders include obsessive-compulsive and passive-aggressive disorders.
  • Substance abuse: this includes addiction disorders for both alcohol and drugs.
  • Autistic / Developmental: including disorders that affect communication and developmental skills

While this list covers the majority of disorders identified by the Social Security Administration, it does not fully encompass all disabilities that will limit you from obtaining employment. It’s best to work with an attorney that has a deep knowledge of social security disability requirements to ensure your claim is being taken seriously.

We realize there are many questions that come along with any social security disability claim. The main thing to know is that you should get an attorney involved early on in the process. If you have additional questions that we haven’t answered here, or you are looking for any kind of help in the process – or getting the process started – don’t hesitate to contact us for free at 844-432-0114.

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