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Social Security Disability

Does Anyone Get Approved for Disability the First Time?

Depending on experiences friends, relatives, or others you talk with have had, it may seem as though everyone gets denied social security disability (SSDI) benefits the first time. This is not actually the case, although the numbers of initial denials can be high. Does Anyone Get Approved for Disability the First Time?  The fact is,… Read more

Social Security Disability

How Long Does a Disability Appeal Take in Milwaukee, Wisconsin?

If you’ve been denied disability, you may need to seek a disability appeal. Many times people suffer injuries that result in disabilities that keep them from being employed. If this happens in Wisconsin, you can apply for disability benefits. You can get these benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the social security disability… Read more

Social Security Disability

What Should You Not Tell a Disability Doctor?

If you’re in a position where you need to apply for social security disability benefits, it can be a stressful time. You are already in a state where you are concerned about how to provide for yourself and your family. To top it off, the process can be confusing and frustrating. In fact, nearly 70%… Read more

Social Security Disability

Does Having Cancer Automatically Qualify Me for Social Security Disability?

Cancer is a disease that affects countless families in some way every year. In 2020, an estimated 1.8 million new cases were diagnosed in the United States alone. In their lifetime, an average person has nearly a 40% chance of being diagnosed with cancer. While a diagnosis is damaging enough, not knowing what the future… Read more

Social Security Disability

How Many Hours Can You Work and Receive Social Security Disability Benefits

When it comes to receiving social security disability benefits, several factors come into play. These factors are why the Social Security Administration (SSA) rejects about two-third of the applications they receive. A social security attorney in Milwaukee can help if you apply and get denied. Ordinarily, Wisconsin law grants benefits to those who are disabled…. Read more

Social Security Disability

Are Social Security Disability Benefits Taxed?

It’s tax time again. While many may be able to get a nice return from their filing, it’s never exactly a fun time of year. And if you are currently receiving social security disability benefits (SSDI), you may want to know how that affects your tax filing. Specifically, if your SSDI benefits will be taxed…. Read more

Social Security Disability

How Much Do I Get for Bipolar Disability?

How much you can get as disability benefits if you have bipolar disability is essential information for you. Even though you clearly will not want your illness to deteriorate to a level where you need social security benefits to survive, this knowledge is essential. People diagnosed with bipolar disorder may find it hard to hold… Read more

Social Security Disability

Will Disability Recipients Get 2021 COVID Stimulus Checks?

Nearly half of all households in the United States have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic financially. During the pandemic, businesses have been forced to close or run with much less revenue, meaning they often have to lay off staff. This has impacted the households of business owners and their employees greatly. Due to the… Read more

Tabak Attorneys in Milwaukee WI
Social Security Disability

What Does a Disability Lawyer Do?

A disability lawyer would help you get your SSDI benefits without hassles. SSDI is an acronym for Social Security Disability Insurance. It’s a program for people under the age of 65 who have qualifying disabilities and a specified amount of work credits. This program compensates them with monthly benefits for their inability to work and… Read more

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