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Social Security Disability

How Long Does Disability Reconsideration Take?

Applying for Social Security disability insurance or SSDI is hard enough, and it feels even harder after you wait for weeks or months only to get a denial. For most, the next step is reconsideration, but how long does disability reconsideration take? Tabak Law has some answers. SSDI Reconsideration Process Reconsideration is much like the… Read more

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Social Security Disability

Is Psoriatic Arthritis a Qualifying Disability for SSDI?

Psoriatic arthritis can be difficult to contend with. In addition to psoriatic symptoms including and scaly patches on the skin, those with psoriatic arthritis are also afflicted with inflammation, tenderness, and pain in joints. If you have psoriatic arthritis, then you may be asking if psoriatic arthritis is a qualifying disability for SSDI. Tabak Law… Read more

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Social Security Disability

Supplemental Security Income vs Social Security Disability

The Social Security Administration or SSA is in charge of several programs. Not only do they manage Social Security retirement benefits but they also handle supplemental security income or SSI and Social Security disability insurance or SSDI. Tabak Law can help you understand some of the differences. What is the Primary Difference Between SSI and… Read more

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Social Security Disability

If Someone Dies Does a Spouse Get Their SSDI Benefits?

People who qualify for SSDI are often not in the best financial circumstances. On top of that, you have mounting medical bills to contend with, transportation expenses, and growing prescription costs. When someone on SSDI dies, many of those expenses, especially the debts, do not just go away. If someone dies, does a spouse get… Read more

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Social Security Disability, Veteran's Disability

What Are the Symptoms of PTSD?

PTSD is a difficult disorder to understand. For years, it was misunderstood, misdiagnosed, and often ignored by the medical community, the government, and even many of the people who had it. Though things are a lot better now than they once were, the symptoms of PTSD are still wide and varied, which can be especially… Read more

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Social Security Disability

Does Being on Disability Affect Your Credit?

The decision to go on Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI should never be taken lightly. It affects your ability to work, affects your finances, and affects what programs you might qualify for. Does being on disability affect your credit too? Tabak Law is here with the answers you need.  Will Going on SSDI Make… Read more

Social Security Disability

What Disabilities Are Hard to Prove for SSDI?

Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI is a necessary government program for a lot of people. Unfortunately, a lot of those people run into difficulty when they try to get approved for those benefits. What disabilities are hard to prove for SSDI? It turns out mental health disabilities are the hardest to prove and get… Read more

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Social Security Disability

Does it Get Easier to be Approved for SSDI the Older You Get?

Anyone who has ever sought out Social Security Disability Insurance benefits or SSDI has held out hope that there was an easier way. It can be a long and arduous process, but does it get easier to be approved for SSDI the older you get? Tabak Law did some digging and found some answers for… Read more

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Social Security Disability

What Not to Say When Applying for SSDI?

Applying for SSDI is hard. It is a long and difficult process that can result in a lot of stress, a lot of paperwork, and perhaps some things that you shouldn’t have said. Tabak is here to help with our list of what not to say when applying for SSDI. Keep reading to learn about… Read more

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