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Tabak Law Lauren Zwirlein
Social Security Disability

Attorney and Partner Lauren Zwirlein Discusses Social Security Disability on the Sunday Sip, WTMJ 620AM

JOHN MERCURE: I’m John Mercure, this is the Sunday Sip, and I’m excited to be joined by Attorney Lauren Zwirlein from Tabak Law. Good to see you, Lauren, thank you so much for being here. LAUREN ZWIRLEIN: Thanks for having me. JOHN MERCURE: Today we’re talking about a couple different things. Let’s start with Social… Read more

Social Security Disability

Can a Child Diagnosed with PDD-NOS Obtain SSDI Benefits?

If your child has Pervasive Development Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) or some other autism spectrum disorder, you are probably struggling to cover the expenses associated with their treatment from one month to the next. Your case is not singular, but there is a solution available – social security disability benefits.   The Wisconsin Department of… Read more

Social Security Disability

Do You Qualify for Social Security Disability?

Do You Qualify for Social Security Disability? Do You Qualify for Social Security Disability? To qualify for Social Security Disability benefits, applicants must be able to prove to the Social Security Administration (SSA) that they can meet its rigorous eligibility criteria. The first criteria that an applicant needs to meet is proving that their disability… Read more

Veteran Disability Lawyer Milwaukee Wisconsin
Social Security Disability

Common Questions During Social Security Disability Hearing in Milwaukee?

When it is time for a disability hearing, it is normal for claimants to be a bit nervous – or even quite nervous. For many people, it can be their first experience in a courtroom in front of a judge and with attorneys. Social security disability hearings in Milwaukee aren’t quite like the courtroom dramas… Read more

Social Security Disability

Early Retirement or Social Security Disability?

Early Retirement or Social Security Disability? Are you thinking about filing for early retirement due to health concerns. If this is you, you may be eligible for the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program. It does not matter whether you already get a company retirement benefit, long-term disability payments, or worker’s compensation benefits. You have… Read more

Social Security Disability

Why Was My Social Security Disability Application in Milwaukee Denied?

Some may claim that social security disability benefits in Milwaukee, WI are easy to get – but the reality couldn’t be further from that statement. Of all disability applications filed, about 70% are denied at first. Why is this? While every case is different, and social security disability claims can be denied for several reasons,… Read more

Social Security Disability

How Can I Reopen a Prior Disability Claim in Milwaukee?

Anyone who has been through the application process for disability benefits can attest that getting those benefits is anything but quick and easy. Applicants commonly face multiple denials during the application process, and it isn’t unusual for claimants to have a prior application which was denied before a new ongoing claim. In some cases, prior… Read more

Veteran Disability Attorney Milwaukee Wisconsin
Social Security Disability

Can You Work And Still Receive Social Security Disability Insurance In Milwaukee?

Under Wisconsin law, those with a disability are entitled to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). For many, having a disability prevents them from entering the workplace and performing the responsibilities of a job, without pain, discomfort or required mental capacity. But, what if you are looking to continue to work while receiving SSDI in Milwaukee? For… Read more

Social Security Disability Attorney Milwaukee WI
Social Security Disability

5 Common Misunderstood Things about Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

In 1935, the Social Security Act was passed while the country was still struggling during the Great Depression, one of the worst economic periods of all time in the U.S.  The Act was originally intended to provide who had low incomes with a kind of safety net.  In its original form, the Social Security Act… Read more

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