The SSDI process is slow and can be arduous especially if you are waiting on the benefits that you desperately need to make ends meet. What can you do to speed up your SSDI Claim? Tabak Law has a few options that you can see if you qualify for.
3 Ways To Speed Up Your SSDI Claim
None of these are surefire ways or are even necessarily right for everybody. Some may change based on the nature of your illness and others may depend on just the overall strength of your claim. There is no guaranteed way to speed up your claim, but these are options you can consider..
1. Appeal Based on the Nature of Your Disability
There are a few scenarios where your disability may fast-track your claim through the approval process. This is the best way to fast-track, but it depends on the nature of your condition which is out of your control.

- Terminal Illness—Social Security has a program called TERI specifically for those with a terminal illness that can fast-track your benefits. Just make sure that you submit the proper medical records within your initial application.
- Compassionate Allowance Condition—A terminal illness is one thing, but the Social Security Administration also recognized about 200 conditions that can shorten your wait down to weeks. Some disabilities include ALS, Early Onset Alzheimer’s, and many cancers. Many of these can also quickly qualify you for SSI while you wait for SSDI if they are considered a presumptive disability.
- Military-Connected Condition—If your condition is related to your military service then you can request that your SSDI claim be expedited by including your veteran rating notification letter along with your initial claim.
Read More: Does Gulf War Illness Qualify You for VA Benefits?
2. Speed Up the ALJ Hearing
If you have had your claim denied, your reconsideration denied, and are continuing with your claim through the appeals process, then you are going to be in for a long wait. This is called an ALJ hearing as it is a hearing with an administrative law judge.
There are two things that you could do to cut the wait time down. The first option is asking for an on-the-record review also known as an OTR. In this scenario, instead of a hearing, the ALJ will just review your case and make a decision. If they approve, then you’ve won. If they deny it, then you will still continue to the normal ALJ hearing. To do this, you have to file the OTR request with your local Office of Hearing Operations or OHO.
Your other option is to request an attorney advisor decision. This you should only do if you can either show that Social Security made a mistake, there has been a change in the law, or you have new evidence to support your claim. You request this through the OHO as well. Similar to the previous scenario, if the advisor approves, then you’ve won. If not, you will still continue to the normal ALJ hearing.
Read More: What Do These Social Security Disability Terms Mean?
3. Having a Dire Need
If you have a dire need such as homelessness, facing eviction, can’t afford food, or can’t afford medical care, then you may be able to claim that you have a dire need through the Office of Hearings Operations (OHO). This can make it so that your normal ALJ hearing is scheduled sooner. Another option that you have available to you is to simply call or write your congressperson or senator. This doesn’t always work or do anything, but it can’t hurt either.
Is it Worth it to Appeal an SSDI Denial?
Get Legal Help for Your SSDI Claim
If you are in need of legal assistance for your SSDI claim, then look no further than Tabak Law. We have years of experience and we are ready to fight for you so that you can get the SSDI benefits that you need and deserve. We don’t get paid unless you win, and we only take payment out of your back pay so there is no risk to you or your ongoing benefits if you seek our help. Reach out to us today for a free case review.
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