Partner Lauren Zwirlein Talks SSDI on 101.7 The Truth
Tabak Law is hitting the radio again with some great information for Milwaukee-area residents on SSDI. This interview comes ahead of the upcoming 88th anniversary of the signing of the Social Security Act. Keep reading to learn what the interview talks about and where you can listen in. Tabak Featured on 101.7 The Truth You… Read more
Will Your SSDI Benefits Change if You Get Married?
There are a lot of things that can change financially in the U.S. once you get married. Insurance will change, taxes will be different, and even things like applying for loans or making big purchases can change from a legal standpoint. What about Social Security Disability Insurance benefits? Will your SSDI benefits change if you… Read more
Will Social Security and SSDI Ever Run Out?
You’ve likely heard that Social Security—and by extension, programs like SSDI—are running out. Is it true? Will Social Security and SSDI ever run out? What does that even mean? When would they run out by? Will payments stop if it does run out? Is there anything the government can do? Get some answers to all… Read more
How Much Could SSDI Increase in 2024?
When you are relying on SSDI benefits or when you are in the application process, you always pay close attention to what those benefits are and how much they increase each year. We don’t know what 2024 benefits will look like yet, but we do have some reliable estimates. How much could SSDI increase in… Read more
How Much is 100% VA Disability in 2023?
Whether you are trying to get a 100% disability rating or experiencing some life changes that may affect your compensation at the 100% disability level, you may want to know how much the 100% VA disability rating is for 2023. A lot of variables go into determining your VA disability compensation, but we can break… Read more
Do SSDI Benefits Increase Every Year?
If you are new to Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, then you may have heard about a potential increase next year and you may have even heard about the increase last year. Do SSDI benefits increase every year? The answer is a little complicated, but we can walk you through it, and in the process,… Read more
5 SSDI Facts That You Need to Know
Social Security Disability Insurance, more commonly referred to as SSDI, is a complicated program and one that many can and should take advantage of if they are disabled and unable to work, but what should you know about it? Tabak Law has put together 5 SSDI facts that you need to know before applying. 1…. Read more
What Can You Do to Speed Up Your SSDI Claim?
The SSDI process is slow and can be arduous especially if you are waiting on the benefits that you desperately need to make ends meet. What can you do to speed up your SSDI Claim? Tabak Law has a few options that you can see if you qualify for. 3 Ways To Speed Up Your… Read more
Milwaukee Area Fourth of July Fireworks 2023
You can’t miss the Fourth of July Fireworks. Check out our list of Milwaukee area Fourth of July Fireworks for 2023. Not only have we highlighted a few of the best fireworks shows including the Milwaukee Lakefront Fireworks. We’ve also included several other events happening on 4th of July weekend in the Milwaukee area as… Read more
Injured? Unable To Work? We Can Help!