Social Security Disability
SSDI Benefits Help For Individuals
If you’re thinking about SSDI, you’re thinking about money. These numbers can give you an idea about how much help you can expect with bills, and how often payments will come. 12 Monthly SSDIPayments Each Year $700 – $1,500 Average MonthlyPayment Amount $2,600 Approximate Monthly Payment Maximum 8 SSDI Benefits Beyond Monthly Income Approval for… Read more
The Differences Between Social Security Disability Benefits and Early Retirement in Milwaukee, WI
Milwaukee, WI residents who are only a couple of years away from retirement age but lose their ability to work and make a living due to some medical condition have two options: retiring early or applying for social security disability benefits in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. However, by electing to apply of early retirement your monthly benefit… Read more
Appealing a Social Security Disability Denial vs Filing a New Claim
Social Security Disability benefits exist to assist individuals who are unable to work due to a long-term or permanent disability. And since everyone pays into this program, it’s understandably frustrating if you apply for these benefits, yet get denied by the Social Security Administration. But the fact is, approximately 70 percent of applicant are initially… Read more
What Conditions Are Covered by SSDI Insurance in Milwaukee, WI?
Those who apply for SSDI insurance in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, should arm themselves with patience. Not only is the application review process lengthy, but two-thirds of the claims receive a negative response from the Disability Determination Bureau. To ensure the Bureau approves their claim and they receive the response faster, many applicants choose to work with… Read more
Will My Wisconsin Social Security Disability Benefits Run Out?
When you’re suffering from prolonged illness or injury, knowing how long your social security disability benefits will cover your loss of earnings and medical costs is important to minimize stress at a difficult time. There are two issues that could result in your social security disability benefits being suspended or even withdrawn: either you are… Read more
SSDI Benefits and Workers’ Compensation: Can I Receive Both in Wisconsin?
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and workers’ compensation are separate programs run by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and your home state respectively. The short answer to the question of whether you can receive both workers’ comp and SSDI benefits at the same time is: yes. However, the criteria for claimants of both benefits are… Read more
Can I Receive Supplemental Security Insurance and Social Security Disability Insurance Simultaneously in Milwaukee?
If you live in Milwaukee, WI, the rules for being eligible for supplemental social security income are the same as if you lived anywhere else in the nation. In the majority of cases, the rule is that you cannot receive Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) at the same time. Only… Read more
Why Would a Social Security Disability Claim be Denied in Milwaukee?
If you reside in Milwaukee, WI, the rules of Social Security Disability (SSD) claim denials are very similar to other regions in the U.S. A large majority of people believe that when they apply for social security disability insurance, they will automatically be approved and will start receiving the money. However, in reality, things may… Read more
How Do I Appeal My Milwaukee, Wisconsin Social Security Disability Denial?
Just like with anything else in life, an application for social security disability benefits may receive a denial on the first try. When your Milwaukee, Wisconsin application for benefits receives a denial, it does not mean that you do not have a physical or mental issue preventing you from working a full-time job. The reality… Read more
Injured? Unable To Work? We Can Help!