Social Security Disability
How Can I Reopen a Prior Disability Claim in Milwaukee?
Anyone who has been through the application process for disability benefits can attest that getting those benefits is anything but quick and easy. Applicants commonly face multiple denials during the application process, and it isn’t unusual for claimants to have a prior application which was denied before a new ongoing claim. In some cases, prior… Read more
Can You Work And Still Receive Social Security Disability Insurance In Milwaukee?
Under Wisconsin law, those with a disability are entitled to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). For many, having a disability prevents them from entering the workplace and performing the responsibilities of a job, without pain, discomfort or required mental capacity. But, what if you are looking to continue to work while receiving SSDI in Milwaukee? For… Read more
5 Common Misunderstood Things about Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
In 1935, the Social Security Act was passed while the country was still struggling during the Great Depression, one of the worst economic periods of all time in the U.S. The Act was originally intended to provide who had low incomes with a kind of safety net. In its original form, the Social Security Act… Read more
The Exchange of Data Facilitates Social Security Disability Insurance
Being born in the U.S. automatically qualifies you for a social security number. That number sticks with you as you grow up, take your first job, get married, retire, and/or become disabled. The social security number carries with it all kinds of information about you. When it’s appropriate, and within the law, that information can… Read more
How Much Social Security Would My Wife Get as a Survivor?
Q: I’m drawing my full Social Security benefit, which I qualified for at age 66. My wife is 54, so I will most likely pass away before she does. My monthly benefit is approximately $2,380, much more than her expected benefit. If she claims mine, will she get 100% of my benefits? A: It depends…. Read more
Helping the Injured & Disabled Get the Benefits They Deserve
Tabak Law, LLC is a rapidly expanding Disability and Worker’s Compensation law firm located just north of downtown Milwaukee. Tabak Law specializes in aiding injured and disabled individuals get the benefits they deserve. Attorneys Alex E. Eichhorn and Lauren J. Zwirlein join us to discuss how Tabak Law can help you! Tabak Law provides… Read more
Planning for Retirement with Social Security
Planning when to take Social Security benefits is a key component of preparing for retirement. It is a personal decision and varies person to person. While you can do your research and weigh all of the options, there may not be one clear decision. So, before you decide when to start your benefits, consider the… Read more
Improving your Social Security Disability Odds
In a perfect world, individuals who are disabled would find quick access to disability benefits and medical care. Unfortunately, the disability benefit system currently does not always work this way. Most Social Security disability and SSI disability claims are denied at the initial claim level. To win their claims, most SSD and SSI claimants will… Read more
Social Security Benefits and Medicare
If Tabak Law has helped you apply for Social Security Disability benefits, or has gotten you approved, you may be wondering if you will receive Medicare along with your monthly Social Security Disability payments. After all, medical bills can be an overwhelming expense. If you do not receive medical assistance, your medical expenses could possibly… Read more
Injured? Unable To Work? We Can Help!