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Tabak Law Lauren Zwirlein
Social Security Disability

Attorney and Partner Lauren Zwirlein Discusses Social Security Disability on the Sunday Sip, WTMJ 620AM

JOHN MERCURE: I’m John Mercure, this is the Sunday Sip, and I’m excited to be joined by Attorney Lauren Zwirlein from Tabak Law. Good to see you, Lauren, thank you so much for being here. LAUREN ZWIRLEIN: Thanks for having me. JOHN MERCURE: Today we’re talking about a couple different things. Let’s start with Social… Read more

Social Security Disability

Will My Wisconsin Social Security Disability Benefits Run Out?

When you’re suffering from prolonged illness or injury, knowing how long your social security disability benefits will cover your loss of earnings and medical costs is important to minimize stress at a difficult time. There are two issues that could result in your social security disability benefits being suspended or even withdrawn: either you are… Read more

Social Security Disability

Can I Receive Supplemental Security Insurance and Social Security Disability Insurance Simultaneously in Milwaukee?

If you live in Milwaukee, WI, the rules for being eligible for supplemental social security income are the same as if you lived anywhere else in the nation. In the majority of cases, the rule is that you cannot receive Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) at the same time. Only… Read more

Social Security Disability

How Do I Appeal My Milwaukee, Wisconsin Social Security Disability Denial?

Just like with anything else in life, an application for social security disability benefits may receive a denial on the first try. When your Milwaukee, Wisconsin application for benefits receives a denial, it does not mean that you do not have a physical or mental issue preventing you from working a full-time job. The reality… Read more

Social Security Disability

What is Social Security Disability in Milwaukee, Wisconsin?

There are times when an individual may not be able to maintain full-time employment due to a mental or physical condition. When this happens, you may be eligible to collect social security disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA). If you live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and believe you have a condition that prevents you… Read more

Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability for Noncitizens/Alien Residents

Social Security pays retirement and disability benefits to millions of Americans. However, the program doesn’t just provide benefits to U.S. citizens. Social Security’s rules contain many provisions for resident and nonresident aliens, which may entitle them to benefits as well. Many noncitizens may be eligible for disability benefits below are several examples of situations where… Read more

Veteran Disability Attorney Milwaukee Wisconsin
Social Security Disability

Can You Work And Still Receive Social Security Disability Insurance In Milwaukee?

Under Wisconsin law, those with a disability are entitled to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). For many, having a disability prevents them from entering the workplace and performing the responsibilities of a job, without pain, discomfort or required mental capacity. But, what if you are looking to continue to work while receiving SSDI in Milwaukee? For… Read more

Social Security Disability Attorney Milwaukee WI
Social Security Disability

5 Common Misunderstood Things about Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

In 1935, the Social Security Act was passed while the country was still struggling during the Great Depression, one of the worst economic periods of all time in the U.S.  The Act was originally intended to provide who had low incomes with a kind of safety net.  In its original form, the Social Security Act… Read more

Social Security Administration Milwaukee, WI Attorney
Social Security Disability

The Exchange of Data Facilitates Social Security Disability Insurance

Being born in the U.S. automatically qualifies you for a social security number.  That number sticks with you as you grow up, take your first job, get married, retire, and/or become disabled.  The social security number carries with it all kinds of information about you.  When it’s appropriate, and within the law, that information can… Read more

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