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Social Security Disability

Too Sick to Work? When Can An Illness Get You Disability?

Many people are worried about being out of work for a week or two or even longer from COVID-19. However, there are several viruses, bacteria-based illnesses, and other diseases that can ultimately lead to disability. Not every case meets the qualifications for disability. Wisconsin requires people to expect or to be out of work for… Read more

Social Security Disability

Overcoming Common Obstacles in Daily Life with a New Disability 

Car accidents, slip and falls, workplace injuries and more all lead people into new stages of their life where they have to adjust. If you have a new disability, then it may be difficult to map out exactly how you plan to move forward in your life. It’s reasonable because many people simply never consider… Read more

Social Security Disability, Workers Compensation

Former Tabak Law Attorney Jack L. Dávila Appointed to Milwaukee County Circuit Court

On April 9th, Governor Tony Evers announced his appointment of Jack L. Dávila as Milwaukee County Circuit Court judge. After Graduating from Marquette University Law School in 2011, Dávila started as an associate attorney at Tabak Law, LLC where he represented workers, injured persons, and people with disabilities. Attorney and Founder of Tabak Law, Fred… Read more

Social Security Disability

Setting Up Reasonable Accommodations With Your Employer

Your employer is responsible for providing reasonable accommodations for your disability. Those accommodations are left up in the air, though. Because there aren’t many specific laws outside of the ADA requirements that guide employers on what to do. Additionally, the employer may give vague information such as, “Just let us know when you need help.” … Read more

SSD Benefits and Stimulus checks
Social Security Disability

I Receive Social Security Disability Should I Get A Stimulus Check?

Tabak Law wants to be your source for consistent and reliable information regarding how you may be affected by the CARES Act and the accompanying stimulus payments. In summary, the CARES Act provides eligible individuals a one-time payment up to $1,200 for a single filer and $2,400 for joint filers in addition to $500 per… Read more

Social Security Disability

Getting SSDI for an Ongoing Condition

Social security disability lawyers know that ongoing conditions are challenging not just for the individual but for their entire family. Not only are you worried about getting back on track with your life, but those around you are worried about your health and finances. Medical costs are expensive, even with good insurance. But, even if… Read more

Social Security Disability

Does Social Security disability pay more than Social Security retirement?

As a matter of general rule, the amount you expect to receive from Social Security Disability Insurance is usually slightly less than what you expect to receive in the event you had worked until full retirement age. This is informed by the fact that workers generally earn more later in their professional life hence by… Read more

Social Security Disability

Will my Social Security Disability ever run out?

Social Security disability benefits are based on average lifetime earnings, not household income or the level of your disability. It only provides for an average monthly pay to disabled employees and relatives after the employee suffers from a disability, becomes old, or dies. However, many people think that disability benefits will always be there forever… Read more

Social Security Disability

Can I get disability for depression?

In the United States, depression is regarded as the second most common medical condition that is listed on applications for Social Security disability. It manifests in various ways such as a type of mood disorder manifesting in form of sadness, and feelings of inadequacy and hopelessness in addition to feelings of fatigue and decreased energy… Read more

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