Social Security Disability
I Was Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis but I Can Still Work. Should I Apply for Disability Benefits?
Multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnoses in Milwaukee, WI, are never easy news. The disease is incurable, the treatment is expensive, and the patient’s health condition degrades. More and more patients find themselves forced to apply for disability benefits. The best way to decide whether to apply for disability benefits is to consult a Milwaukee disability lawyer…. Read more
Can I Receive Both SSDI Benefits and Workers Compensation in Milwaukee, WI?
If you have been disabled, you may be curious about which benefits you are able to receive. This can be especially confusing if the injury you receive happened at work and left you disabled or unable to work. Are you able to receive both SSDI benefits and workers compensation at the same time? The short… Read more
Can you collect disability and live in a foreign country?
Can you collect disability and live in a foreign country? Receiving social security disability benefits can be an arduous process. In fact, 70% of the claims that are submitted are denied the first time. If a claim is denied, it is not the end of the road – this is where a lawyer can significantly… Read more
What Can a Milwaukee Family Use SSI Child Disability Funds On?
Since your child who receives SSI child disability is not able to purchase their own items, you will be a representative payee for them. This means that you are held responsible for using the funds in an appropriate manner and to also keep records of how you spend the payments in case a representative of… Read more
How Much Does Disability Pay?
How Much Does Disability Pay? When considering applying for disability, a part of the process is certainly figuring out how much you can ultimately receive per month in payments if you are approved. Most recipients of Social Security Disability can expect to receive between $700 and $1,700 per month, with an average of around $1,197… Read more
Can a Child Diagnosed with PDD-NOS Obtain SSDI Benefits?
If your child has Pervasive Development Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) or some other autism spectrum disorder, you are probably struggling to cover the expenses associated with their treatment from one month to the next. Your case is not singular, but there is a solution available – social security disability benefits. The Wisconsin Department of… Read more
How are the social security disability recent and duration of work tests calculated?
If you are healthy, disability benefits aren’t something that comes to mind. But you might be surprised how many people actually end up needing these crucial benefits within their lifetime. In fact, out of the population currently in their 20s in the United States, it is estimated that one out of four individuals will become… Read more
Who Can Collect SSDI Benefits in Milwaukee, Wisconsin?
Would you like to know if you qualify for disability benefits under SSDI law in Milwaukee? The best way to find out is to discuss your situation with an SSDI insurance attorney. As the attorney will explain, the following three categories of Milwaukee, WI residents can benefit from SSDI coverage and collect SSDI benefits: Insured… Read more
Can My Request for SSDI Insurance in Milwaukee, Wisconsin Be Denied?
Two-thirds of applicants have their SSDI benefits denied in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This reality prompts many SSDI applicants to seek the assistance of a local SSDI insurance lawyer. Those who have already received an SSDI denial can benefit from legal assistance as well, as they have the right to appeal their claim. If you are preparing… Read more
Injured? Unable To Work? We Can Help!