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Social Security Disability

How much back pay can you expect to receive for SSD?

As you probably know, it can take some time to win a social security disability case. From application to approval, there are hearings, meetings and many other legal matters that will take place prior to a decision. And the fact is, around 70-percent of claims are denied the first time. Due to these factors, it… Read more

Social Security Disability

SSD Cost of Living Adjustment for 2019 in Wisconsin

SSD Cost of Living Adjustment for 2019 If you are receiving social security disability benefits, or have been denied and are appealing a claim, it is good to know what you can expect for regular payments. Given that these benefits are a lifeline for so many in need, being able to budget around them is… Read more

Social Security Disability

2019 Social Security Disability Benefits Amounts

After several years of social security disability benefit amounts remaining relatively stagnant, 2018 saw a decent increase of 2% as the rates raised appropriately with inflation. Now, rates will be raising again in 2019 – with the biggest increase amount since 2012. This means that those receiving 2019 social security disability benefits will get more… Read more

Social Security Disability

What Does the Mental Evaluation for Social Security Disability Entail?

What Does the Mental Evaluation for Social Security Disability Entail? As you may be aware, filing a claim for social security disability benefits doesn’t only mean you have a physical limitation. Mental disorders also qualify for SSD benefits. But, there needs to be recent proof of this mental disorder. That’s where the mental evaluation for… Read more

Social Security Disability

Will My SSD Benefits Turn into Retirement Benefits at Age 65?

Will My Social Security Disability Benefits Turn into Retirement Benefits at Age 65? For many, receiving social security disability benefits can be an extreme relief – especially considering that 70% of claims are initially denied. If you are among that group that has been denied, please don’t hesitate to get a professional involved to help… Read more

Social Security Disability in Milwaukee WI
Social Security Disability

What Mental Disorders Qualify Me for Social Security Disability Benefits?

When people think of social security disability insurance, they typically associate these benefits with physical limitations. But, the Social Security Administration actually recognizes a wide range of mental disorders too. The review process for mental disabilities is very similar to physical disabilities, in that your condition must be diagnosed by a medical professional and it… Read more

Social Security Disability

Appealing your SSD Claim? Here’s What To Expect the Second Time

How long does it take to get approved for social security disability if you’ve been denied already? Seventy percent of social security disability applicants are denied on their initial application. But, that’s far from the end of the story, as nearly 50 percent of all applicants ultimately receive benefits. Appealing a denial with an experienced… Read more

Social Security Disability

Can I Receive Social Security Disability Benefits for Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is painful and difficult to deal with. Its main symptoms are widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue. Sufferers may also experience memory, sleep, and mood issues. Therefore, many of them lose their ability to work partially or completely. When this happens, they should receive social security disability benefits. In Wisconsin, the Social Security Administration approves… Read more

What conditions automatically qualify me for social security disability?
Personal Injury, Social Security Disability

What Conditions Automatically Qualify You for Social Security Disability?

What Conditions Automatically Qualify You as Disabled? Getting injured, whether at home or at work, can be a frustrating ordeal. As we’ve documented over the past few years, there is a very specific process to claiming Social Security Disability, and making sure the SSA actually approves your claim. Hundreds of thousands of claims are denied… Read more

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