Social Security Disability
What is Changing for SSDI in 2023?
Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI is an important system in America that ensures that people who lose the ability to work do not lose the ability to survive financially. SSDI often changes subtly from year to year either as a result of policy changes or due to built-in automatic changes. With all that said,… Read more
Can You Apply For SSDI Without a Doctor?
When you feel that you need SSDI, you are going to have questions about the process. Your disability determination is typically driven by your medical records. Can you apply for SSDI without a doctor or without having doctor appointments? Let’s explore the role that your doctors can play in your SSDI determination. Does SSDI Look… Read more
5 Social Security Disability Myths
Social Security disability can be a frightening thing for many people to apply for, and it’s made all the more freighting because of the variety of myths and misconceptions that have developed on the subject over the years. However, at Tabak Law, we’re here to tell you not to worry. Follow along as we bust… Read more
Official 2023 SSDI Increase
You may have heard that programs like SSDI are likely to receive a record-setting increase in 2023. Well, it’s not just likely, it’s announced. Tabak Law is here to tell you the official 2023 SSDI increase is 8.7%. Let’s discuss what that means, how it will affect you, and what that looks like from a… Read more
Can You Survive on SSDI Alone?
The decision to go on Social Security disability insurance or SSDI can be a scary one. Usually, you make the decision when you are already struggling to survive, sometimes literally, but will SSDI be enough? Can you survive on SSDI alone? Let’s take a look at SSDI benefits and what your other options are. What… Read more
Can You Use Social Security Disability Temporarily?
Recently, Attorney and Partner Lauren Zwirlein from Tabak Law sat down with The Morning Blend on TMJ4 to discuss the nuances of social security disability including everything from the upcoming COLA increase, to COVID long haul, and even the idea of using SSDI temporarily. Can you use social security disability temporarily? Find out and check… Read more
2023 SSDI Increase What to Expect
Things are getting difficult out there with inflation running high. This is especially true for those receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. Will there be a 2023 SSDI Increase? Here’s what to expect. What Could the 2023 SSDI COLA Be? We previously ran estimates on a potential increase a few months ago. At the… Read more
Attorney and Partner Lauren Zwirlein Talks SSDI on WTMJ 620
Listen in as Attorney and Partner Lauren Zwirlein talks SSDI on WTMJ 620’s Sunday Sip. The show was recorded on the 87th anniversary of the signing of the Social Security Act. Lauren and host John Mercure get into the nitty gritty on the importance of Socal Security benefits, the differences between SSDI and SSI, application… Read more
Can an Inheritance Make You Lose Your SSDI Benefits?
When you are receiving benefits such as Social Security Disability Insurance from the government as your primary source of income, it can be a little scary when that income is out of your control. You may already know that your income from other sources is limited when you are on SSDI, but what about an… Read more
Injured? Unable To Work? We Can Help!