2023 SSDI Increase What to Expect
Things are getting difficult out there with inflation running high. This is especially true for those receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. Will there be a 2023 SSDI Increase? Here’s what to expect. What Could the 2023 SSDI COLA Be? We previously ran estimates on a potential increase a few months ago. At the… Read more
Attorney and Partner Alex Eichhorn Worker’s Comp Interviews
Alex Eichhorn from Tabak Law has been making the Milwaukee radio rounds as of late, and he’s been talking about worker’s compensation and labor law. Find where you can listen to upcoming worker’s comp radio interviews and more. Don’t forget to check out Alex’s bio where you can learn all about him, and his experience…. Read more
Attorney and Partner Lauren Zwirlein Talks SSDI on WTMJ 620
Listen in as Attorney and Partner Lauren Zwirlein talks SSDI on WTMJ 620’s Sunday Sip. The show was recorded on the 87th anniversary of the signing of the Social Security Act. Lauren and host John Mercure get into the nitty gritty on the importance of Socal Security benefits, the differences between SSDI and SSI, application… Read more
What Does the PACT Act Mean for Veterans Seeking Benefits?
The PACT act is a new bill that was recently signed into law in the summer of 2022 that may just be the largest expansion of benefits and services for veterans exposed to toxins in over 30 years. PACT stands for Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxins, but what does the PACT act mean for veterans… Read more
When You Are Hurt At Work What Benefits Are You Entitled To?
Were you hurt at work? What should your first steps be? When you are hurt at work what benefits are you entitled to? Tabak Law can help. Not only will we walk you through it in this blog, but you can also check out our spot on Morning Blend with attorney and partner Alex Eichhorn…. Read more
Can an Inheritance Make You Lose Your SSDI Benefits?
When you are receiving benefits such as Social Security Disability Insurance from the government as your primary source of income, it can be a little scary when that income is out of your control. You may already know that your income from other sources is limited when you are on SSDI, but what about an… Read more
Are There Limits to What You Can Spend SSDI Benefits On?
Money that isn’t regular income often comes with strings attached. You can’t get a business loan and spend it on your personal boat. You can’t take HSA funds and buy a new TV. What about Social Security Disability Insurance benefits? Are there limits on what you can spend SSDI benefits on? It’s an interesting question… Read more
Common Mistakes When Applying For SSDI Benefits
If you have a disability that qualifies you for Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI, then you should apply, but you don’t want to make a mistake. Making a mistake could make it take longer to get your benefits or lead you to not getting benefits at all. Tabak Law is here to help with… Read more
Does Deafness Qualify You For SSDI Benefits?
SSDI benefits are there for people with disabilities who no longer have the ability to perform work in order to survive. SSDI, also known as Social Security Disability Insurance, is an important safety net in the United States, but many don’t know if they qualify or how to qualify to properly utilize the program. Many… Read more
Injured? Unable To Work? We Can Help!