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Social Security Disability

Do You Qualify for Social Security Disability?

Do You Qualify for Social Security Disability? Do You Qualify for Social Security Disability? To qualify for Social Security Disability benefits, applicants must be able to prove to the Social Security Administration (SSA) that they can meet its rigorous eligibility criteria. The first criteria that an applicant needs to meet is proving that their disability… Read more

Social Security Disability

What is Social Security Disability in Milwaukee, Wisconsin?

There are times when an individual may not be able to maintain full-time employment due to a mental or physical condition. When this happens, you may be eligible to collect social security disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA). If you live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and believe you have a condition that prevents you… Read more

Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability for Noncitizens/Alien Residents

Social Security pays retirement and disability benefits to millions of Americans. However, the program doesn’t just provide benefits to U.S. citizens. Social Security’s rules contain many provisions for resident and nonresident aliens, which may entitle them to benefits as well. Many noncitizens may be eligible for disability benefits below are several examples of situations where… Read more

Personal Injury, Social Security Disability

Common Issues When Settling Long Term Disability Claims in Wisconsin

When your long term disability claim has been denied by the insurance carrier and you have already used all your appeal rights with the insurance company, you and your attorney will file a lawsuit in order to recover your past due benefits and to reinstate your future benefits. What happens next? Well, usually you and… Read more

Veteran Disability Lawyer Milwaukee Wisconsin
Social Security Disability

Common Questions During Social Security Disability Hearing in Milwaukee?

When it is time for a disability hearing, it is normal for claimants to be a bit nervous – or even quite nervous. For many people, it can be their first experience in a courtroom in front of a judge and with attorneys. Social security disability hearings in Milwaukee aren’t quite like the courtroom dramas… Read more

Tabak Law K-9 Unit
Auto Accidents, Personal Injury, Social Security Disability, Uncategorized, Veteran's Disability, Workers Compensation

Tabak Law Supports Glendale Police K-9 Unit with Generous Donation

Tabak law had the pleasure of donating a check in the amount of $3,693.39 to the Glendale Police Department to help in ensuring they continue to have access to the resources necessary to keep our community a place we love and enjoy! Making a difference starts at home. When you want to improve your local… Read more

Social Security Disability

Early Retirement or Social Security Disability?

Early Retirement or Social Security Disability? Are you thinking about filing for early retirement due to health concerns. If this is you, you may be eligible for the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program. It does not matter whether you already get a company retirement benefit, long-term disability payments, or worker’s compensation benefits. You have… Read more

Social Security Disability

Why Was My Social Security Disability Application in Milwaukee Denied?

Some may claim that social security disability benefits in Milwaukee, WI are easy to get – but the reality couldn’t be further from that statement. Of all disability applications filed, about 70% are denied at first. Why is this? While every case is different, and social security disability claims can be denied for several reasons,… Read more

Veteran Disability Lawyer Milwaukee Wisconsin
Social Security Disability

Who is Eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits in Milwaukee?

Are Veterans Eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits? If you are a veteran of the military in the United States and suffer an injury, then you may qualify for as much as $3,400 per month in social security disability benefits in Milwaukee. These benefits are paid to veterans who have suffered injuries as a result… Read more

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