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Social Security Disability

How Do You Know if You Won Your Disability Case? 

The lead-up to a social security disability (SSDI) hearing can be stressful. You and your disability attorney – if you are working with one – have been busy putting in all of the necessary paperwork for your claim. You also prepped for the questions that the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) may ask during the hearing…. Read more

Social Security Disability

How Long Does it Take to Get a Social Security Disability Hearing in 2022?

Being denied social security disability (SSDI) benefits can be deflating. After all, you likely applied for benefits because you are unable to work. Being unable to collect benefits makes life much more complex for the future.  Luckily, it is possible to appeal an SSDI benefits denial with the Social Security Administration (SSA). At this point,… Read more

Social Security Disability

Social Security Increase for 2022 Will Be 5.9%

For months, it has been rumored that Social Security could be on the verge of its larges cost of living adjustment (COLA) in years. On Wednesday, that proved true as the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced a 5.9% increase in the COLA for 2022. This amount marks the most significant increase since 1982.  Expected 2023… Read more

Social Security Disability

Is It Better to Retire or Go on Disability?

Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits exist essentially as an early retirement plan for those unable to work due to illness or injury. These individuals haven’t reached full retirement age, but they are no longer able to work due to their condition. Therefore, they need a source of income to bridge the gap between now and… Read more

Social Security Disability

What is Social Security Disability Benefits Fraud?

In the United States, over 8 million people receive social security disability benefits (SSDI). Individuals who receive benefits due to a disability account for about 13% of the total benefits paid from the Social Security Administration (SSA).  While an extremely high percentage of benefits paid are legitimately for individuals who need them, there are cases… Read more

Social Security Disability

2022 Social Security Checks Likely to See Biggest Increase in Decades

The cost associated with daily living increases every year due to inflation. This typically creates adjustments to otherwise static payments, including social security disability benefits payments. In 2022, it is expected that the dollar amount of the monthly checks could see their most significant increase in decades.  2022 Social Security Disability Check Amounts Individuals who… Read more

Social Security Disability

Does Having Long COVID Qualify Me for SSDI?

If there’s anything that the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us, it’s that we can’t accurately predict the future. Just when the country appeared to be easing out of the pandemic, the Delta variant has brought the virus back to the forefront.  But for many Americans, COVID never did wane. For a small percentage of the… Read more

Social Security Disability

Conditions that Qualify for Disability in Wisconsin

Being unable to work due to a physical or mental limitation makes life even more difficult than it has to be. It’s one thing to be limited due to an injury or something else, but losing income that you and your family rely on puts a severe strain on everyone.  Social security disability benefits (SSDI)… Read more

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Social Security Disability

What is the Lowest SSDI Payment?

If you don’t have an extended work history, you may be concerned if you will be eligible for benefits should you become disabled. It is true that the amount that someone who is approved for benefits can expect to receive per month is directly related to their work history.  Contrary to what many people believe,… Read more