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Can a Lawyer Help Me with Settling Long-term Disability Claims?

Settling long-term disability claims is tricky business in Milwaukee, WI. Insurers make settlement offers to reduce their losses. Sometimes, they do it to get rid of the recurring payments long-term disability claims bring about. Other times, they do it to end a lawsuit whose verdict would cost them more. Long-term disability settlements can be favorable… Read more

Veteran's Disability

VA Benefits Lawyer Explains VA Disability Ratings

Milwaukee residents with disabilities due to their military service can apply for VA disability compensation. In order to obtain it, they will have to obtain a minimum disability rating of 10%. This is certainly easier said than done. To avoid the hassles, many veterans choose to hire a VA benefits lawyer. This way, they find… Read more

Social Security Disability

Can I Receive Social Security Disability Benefits for Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is painful and difficult to deal with. Its main symptoms are widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue. Sufferers may also experience memory, sleep, and mood issues. Therefore, many of them lose their ability to work partially or completely. When this happens, they should receive social security disability benefits. In Wisconsin, the Social Security Administration approves… Read more

Social Security Disability, Uncategorized

I Was Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis but I Can Still Work. Should I Apply for Disability Benefits?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnoses in Milwaukee, WI, are never easy news. The disease is incurable, the treatment is expensive, and the patient’s health condition degrades. More and more patients find themselves forced to apply for disability benefits.  The best way to decide whether to apply for disability benefits is to consult a Milwaukee disability lawyer…. Read more

Social Security Disability

Can I Receive Both SSDI Benefits and Workers Compensation in Milwaukee, WI?

If you have been disabled, you may be curious about which benefits you are able to receive. This can be especially confusing if the injury you receive happened at work and left you disabled or unable to work. Are you able to receive both SSDI benefits and workers compensation at the same time? The short… Read more

Social Security Disability

What Can a Milwaukee Family Use SSI Child Disability Funds On?

Since your child who receives SSI child disability is not able to purchase their own items, you will be a representative payee for them. This means that you are held responsible for using the funds in an appropriate manner and to also keep records of how you spend the payments in case a representative of… Read more

Social Security Disability

Can a Child Diagnosed with PDD-NOS Obtain SSDI Benefits?

If your child has Pervasive Development Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) or some other autism spectrum disorder, you are probably struggling to cover the expenses associated with their treatment from one month to the next. Your case is not singular, but there is a solution available – social security disability benefits.   The Wisconsin Department of… Read more

Uncategorized, Veteran's Disability

How Difficult Is It to Obtain Gulf War Syndrome Veterans Disability Benefits in Milwaukee, WI?

Over 40% of the Gulf War veterans in Milwaukee, Wisconsin suffer from Gulf War Syndrome. In theory, since the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs acknowledges the condition, it should be easy for them to obtain disability benefits. In practice, less than 20% of veterans disability benefits claims referring to Gulf War-related illnesses are approved. The… Read more

Local Events, Veteran's Disability

Stars and Stripes Honor Flight Provides Healing For Wisconsin Vietnam Vets

For many Vietnam Veterans, the emotional wounds of war have lasted a lot longer than the physical. Veterans of this era returned to the states after serving their country during a time of great political unrest. For a variety of factors, they were treated very poorly on their arrival home – a far cry from… Read more

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